Onetick Cloud
Reference Data & Enumerations
Real Time & Historical Market Data on Demand
Retrieve trading hours and historic holiday calendars for both Equity markets and Futures products.
The list of available futures products within the curated TDI Future dataset and their sources are provided. Additionally, every field stored in the available data assets is listed with its description together with trade and quote condition fields, plus their enumerations. The reference also includes the list of available symbologies for symbol lookup and time zones.
- Data Assets
- Symbol Universe
- Symbol Cross Reference Mapping
- REST API End Point Documentation
- Reference Data & Enumerations
- System Availability
- US - Market Share
- Canada - Market Share
- European - Market Share
- SQL Querying Examples
- Python Queries Using Directed Graph Style API
- Python Queries Using Pandas Style API
- Futures Continuous Contracts
- Point in Time with Offsets
- Latest Prices
- L1 Tick Data
- Trade and Quote Bars
- Book Depth
- US ETF Universe
- EBBO Calculation
- Data Explorer
- Corporate Actions History
- Market Replay
- Period Quote & Trade Statistics