OneTick Cloud

Real Time & Historical Market Data on Demand

Global Market Data APIs for Faster Quantitative Analysis

Access real-time and historical market data on demand using OneTick Cloud. We provide global coverage across equities, futures, and options exchanges on our cloud-based infrastructure and provide market data API access options (Python, SQL, and REST) to meet your needs.

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Faster, simpler, powerful data access ON DEMAND

Data Alignment

  • Symbology Cross Reference
  • Historical Symbol Mapping
  • Corporate Action Adjustments
  • ETF Basket Constituents
  • Futures Continuous Contracts
  • Real Time, Intra-day and History Alignment
  • Consolidated Canada, Europe, Japan and Australia

Data Assets

  • 200+ Global Equity, Futures & Options Markets
  • Historical Trade and Quotes back to 1993*
  • NBBO for Consolidated Markets
  • Pre Calculated Trade & Quote Bars
  • Global Curated Futures Products
  • Global Corporate Actions and Dividends
  • US Listed Exchange Traded Funds
  • L2 & L3 Book Depth
  • Historic Market Calendar & Trading Hours

Access Alternatives

  • Python API
  • SQL
  • Visual Dashboards
  • CSV Files
  • Parquet Files

See all you can do with OneTick Cloud

OneTick Cloud offers an unprecedented level of access to industry-trusted global real time and historical market data.

Our datasets are comprehensive, of the highest quality, and immediately available. View decades of tick history covering trades, quotes, consolidated NBBO, indices, intraday bars (minute bars) and daily bars, auction imbalances, and corporate actions. Read on to learn more about OneTick Cloud:

Equity Coverage: Global equity coverage includes both individual exchange market data across the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia Pacific, plus composites of combined venues and composite BBOs (NBBO, EBBO, CBBO, etc.). All pricing data can be adjusted for corporate actions if required.

Derivatives: Derivatives coverage is also global, covering familiar Futures and Options markets, such as Eurex, ICE, Osaka, Singapore, CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX, plus other smaller markets. Futures continuous contracts are also available to ease access to market data across longer time horizons.

Level 2 and Level 3 Data: Our market data history isn't limited to Level 1 (L1) data -- OneTick also provides L2 and L3 data coverage, with Market by Order (MBO) and Market by Level (MBL), Book Snapshots, Order Book Replay, and more.

UNLOCK THE POWER OF THE CLOUD | Create a trial account

OneTick Cloud offers Python, REST, and SQL alternative access options to meet your needs.

OneTick Cloud’s Market Data API access (Python, REST, and SQL) gives you power and flexibility to analyze market data, without having to download Gigabytes of compressed tick data. Customize our analytics examples to meet your needs. You can look at execution analytics, slippage, market microstructure, OHLC Bars, period VWAP, markouts / price decay, price history, real time bars, and so much more.

Download Capabilities: In addition to Market Data API access, we also provide file download capabilities into S3 and SFTP in both compressed CSV and Parquet formats. This can cover both the underlying market data, plus analytics executed on your behalf.



Explore our full list of capabilities below and click read more, access free tutorials, and get the data you need.

Data Assets

Over 200 Global Equity, Futures & Options Markets Available with 10+ Years of History
Data Assets

Symbol Universe

Available Instruments for Each Database and Security Type
Symbol Universe

Symbol Cross Reference Mapping

Database Symbol Lookup Based on The Selected Symbology and Supplied Symbol List
Symbol Cross Reference Mapping

REST API End Point Documentation

Access Market Data & Analytics Using REST API End Points
REST API End Point Documentation

Reference Data & Enumerations

Common Reference Data, Market Hours, and Holiday Calendar
Reference Data & Enumerations

System Availability

Real Time Status from Various Geographical Regions
System Availability

US - Market Share

US Equity Exchange Market Share
US - Market Share

Canada - Market Share

Canadian Equity Exchange Market Share
Canada - Market Share

European - Market Share

European Equity Exchange Market Share
European - Market Share

SQL Querying Examples

Query Market Data Using SQL
SQL Querying Examples

Python Queries Using Directed Graph Style API

Query Market Data Using Python with Directed Graph Style Syntax (onetick.query)
Python Queries Using Directed Graph Style API

Python Queries Using Pandas API

Query Market Data Using Python with Pandas Style Syntax (
Python Queries Using Pandas API

Futures Continuous Contracts

Front Month Continuous Contracts Definitions
Futures Continuous Contracts

Point in Time with Offsets

Prevailing Quotes at Specified Points in Time with Offsets
Point in Time with Offsets

Latest Prices

Price History Across the Specified Time Window (Years to Sub-Second)
Latest Prices

L1 Tick Data

Trade and Quote Tick Data Display
L1 Tick Data

Trade and Quote Bars

Trade and Quote Tick 1 Minute Bar Data Display
Trade and Quote Bars

Book Depth

Book Depth Across Time, Plus the Book at a Point in Time
Book Depth

US ETF Universe

US ETF Universe Plus Their Associated Constituents
US ETF Universe

EBBO Calculation

European BBO Calculation Based on Selected Venues
EBBO Calculation

Data Explorer

Tabular Exploration of All Permissioned Datasets
Data Explorer

Corporate Actions History

Corporate Actions History
Corporate Actions History

Market Replay

Step through the Lit Order Book across the trading day
Market Replay

Period Quote & Trade Statistics

Quote & Trade Statistics for the Selected Time Periods
Period Quote & Trade Statistics