OneTick Trade and Market Surveillance

Auto-scaled, Auto-tuned, Auto x-market, Human Friendly


Upgrade Your Surveillance

OneTick Trade Surveillance gives all clients the power to monitor and protect their trading in both fully hosted and deployed configurations. Our solution is used by tier 1 banks, exchanges and market centers, routing and executing brokers, clearing firms, FCMs, market-makers, retail brokers, and buy-side firms. 

OneTick includes coverage of MAR, MiFID II, SEC, FINRA, and IIROC trade surveillance regulation.


Smart Features

OneTick Trade and Market Surveillance

Identify, Investigate & Act with OneTick Smart Features

OneTick Trade Surveillance's smart features make it easy for trading supervisors and compliance officers to zero in on, investigate, and act on anomalies.

The OneTick Surveillance solution, built on top of the OneTick proprietary tick database and stream processing platform, delivers robust, configurable built-in alerts to support executing brokers: layering and spoofing, quote stuffing, wash trading, marking the close, and more.

Combine our built-in alerts with your own and see how the OneTick Surveillance solution can deliver exactly what you need: continuous examination of order flow, advanced visualizations, case management, high performance, and low TCO. You can easily add new alert definitions using the OneTick model construction tool.


Web Dashboard

Designed for the efficient review of surveillance alerts, rapid examination of new alerts, and for assigning, reviewing, annotating, and archiving them as part of an auditable resolution workflow.

Wide Coverage

OneTick includes coverage of MAR, MIFID II, SEC, FINRA, CFTC, ASIC, and IIROC trade surveillance regulation.

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OneTick Market Surveillance Whitepaper

This whitepaper showcases the features and benefits of the OneTick Market Surveillance service, a hosted solution created by OneMarketData.

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Powerful Benefits

Protect and Monitor Your Trading

Multiple Deployment Options

The OneTick Trade Surveillance solution is a fully packaged solution that can be deployed in-house or as a hosted subscription service fully managed by OneMarketData.


Outsource your trade surveillance and compliance obligations at a cost far below in-house development and competitive products.


Includes real time / intraday alerts through visual dashboards and email notifications and T+1 reports.


Out-of-the-box Alerts

OneTick Surveillance includes an extensive library of standard alert types. Alert types have parameters that allow their behavior to be tuned to specific flows.

Logic of standard alerts can be customized per client's requirements and custom alerts types can be integrated seamlessly.


Underlying Technology

OneTick Surveillance is built on top of the industry-standard tick management platform OneTick and can handle volumes of the largest market participants and exchanges.

The OneTick platform provides a modeling tool for the rapid design, development, and deployment of custom surveillance alerts.


Easy Alert Investigation and Management

Our philosophy is to minimize the number of clicks required to investigate alerts and manage workflows. 

The web-based dashboard has been designed for efficiency and is used daily by trade supervisors and compliance staff all over the world.


Standard surveillance alert types

The OneTick Trade Surveillance solution includes of library of standard alert types.

Alert types have parameters that allow their behavior to be tuned to specific flows, and also allow a single alert type to represent what would be several distinct alert types in other commercial systems.

Would you like to see what we can do for you?

Empower your quantitative research and trading with OneTick's precision data & analytics today!

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